Teaching in English - Adapting teaching and assessment materials for the English-medium classroom
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Who is this for? Anyone who has already taught in English or who will be teaching in English in the next one or two semesters. Join us for a workshop on how to adapt teaching materials for the English-medium classroom as well as useful guidelines and time-saving strategies for assessing students in English. Topics:
During the workshop you’ll have a chance to practice your English skills. We will discuss and reflect on effective ways, useful tools and helpful strategies to make English-language courses successful for the teacher and students. Zielgruppe:
Louise Klein MA, Dr. Charla Schutte, LLZ, Sprachenzentrum
Montag, 07.10.2024, 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr |
Hochschule RheinMain / iwib, Unter den Eichen 5, 65195 Wiesbaden, Gebäude F, Raum 1.09 |
Anmeldung voraussichtlich möglich ab:
22.08.2024 |
20.09.2024 |