
Bring & Share - English Emails

Does it take you a long time to write emails in English? Are you unsure about which phrases to use and how polite you need to be? Bring one or more example emails with you to this workshop (in German or English). We will discuss possible translations and improvements.

I will demonstrate how AI tools such as DeepL, DeepL Write and Chat GPT can help you to translate your emails, and / or improve them. These tools can help you write emails that are more appropriate, grammatically correct and professional. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using AI to support your writing.

You will improve your ability to

  • translate German emails into English
  • translate English emails into German
  • improve English emails that you have written yourself
  • choose AI tools that will help you to write and communicate better

Dr. Shirley Roth | English Coaching and Instruction (LLZ / Sprachenzentrum / Global Design & Media CoSpace Project)

Do, 02.11.2023; 09:00 - 11:00 Uhr
Das Seminar findet online statt.
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