
English for international academic communication

Do you want to feel more confident when participating in international workshops and conferences? Would you like to practice for this situation in an online setting that is facilitated by a language trainer?

You will spend two mornings exchanging ideas with other participants and perfecting a presentation on your chosen topic. You will receive language feedback and develop your ability to clarify and avoid misunderstandings.

This course will be advertised to HSRM partner universities and therefore provides a realistic simulation of international academic exchange. Come and join us!

You will improve your ability to

  • engage effectively and positively in interdisciplinary and intercultural online exchanges with other academics
  • understand conversational partners on academic topics beyond your own specialist area
  • explain familiar academic topics, making it accessible for listeners who do not have specialist knowledge
  • facilitate discussion of academic topics
  • give a clear presentation of your topic

Dr. Shirley Roth | English Coaching and Instruction (LLZ / Sprachenzentrum / Global Design & Media CoSpace Project)

Do/Fr, 10.-11.08.2023; 09:00 - 12:30 Uhr
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